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Be Dread Free

Be Dread Free

Nov 12, 2020

Becoming Dread Free Exercise #1: Stop, Drop, and Cover….. When a circumstance or situation that initiates a danger or panic alert use this method. STOP…. Prevent your body from taking control of your soul and your spirit. Tell it – YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! Drop… Abandon all conditioned responses to fear. Control your breathing. If possible close your eyes for a few moments and see the reality of God’s provision that you need to see. Cover… Immediately cover yourself with Words of life. Speak the reality of God’s provision aloud to yourself. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!! Become so skilled at this that it becomes an offense instead of a defense.

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Nov 19, 2020

Becoming Dread Free Exercise #1: Stop, Drop, and Cover….. When a circumstance or situation that initiates a danger or panic alert use this method. STOP…. Prevent your body from taking control of your soul and your spirit. Tell it – YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! Drop… Abandon all conditioned responses to fear. Control your breathing. If possible close your eyes for a few moments and see the reality of God’s provision that you need to see. Cover… Immediately cover yourself with Words of life. Speak the reality of God’s provision aloud to yourself. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!! Become so skilled at this that it becomes an offense instead of a defense.

Be Dread Free

Nov 12, 2020


According to Wikipedia, fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger. Worth noting is that fear almost always relates to future events, such as worsening of a situation, or continuation of a situation that is unacceptable. Fear could also be an instant reaction to something presently happening. Fear has several very detrimental effects on the body. We have been conditioned to allow fear these responses. Over the next few days we will discuss how we change our conditioned fear responses.

Many of us are aware that because of our relationship to God (He is our Father and we are His children) we are freed from Fear. God is love and there is no fear in Him. 1st John 4:8 and 4:18. He has made us partakers of His divine nature. 1 Peter 2:4 As a result, we are a partaker of everything that He is.

Now even though we have learned how to allow our spirit the ability to control our body, our repetitive conditioning as it relates to fear and the aftermath of the fear creates automated responses in our body and our mind that are harmful. Through this process we are going to learn some new responses and exercises that will teach us how to become more accustomed to using those responses so that fear becomes a tool instead of a weapon.

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